Watch the Teaser
Date: Wednesday 2nd of June 2021
Time: 4.30pm
Streaming: Attendees are invited to watch the conference remotely. Streaming details will be included in your registration confirmation and a reminder will be sent out one day before the event.
4:30pm: Introduction by Niccolo Polli, CEO of HSBC Luxembourg,
4:35pm: Panel discussion
Julie Becker, CEO, Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Patrick Wood Uribe, CEO, Util
Xavier Desmadryl, Global Head of ESG Research, HSBC Asset Management
Moderator: Niccolo Polli, CEO of HSBC Luxembourg
5:10pm: Q&A with Denise Voss, Chairwoman, LuxFLAG and Niccolo Polli
5:20pm: Q&A with the Panelists
5:30pm: Closing remarks Niccolo Polli, CEO of HSBC Luxembourg
Q&A: Please submit your questions here, the speakers will answer them during the Q&A sessions.